In others, the camera is further away, giving the action the look of a side-scrolling platformer.
In some, the camera is situated close to your character, and you must defeat one or two opponents just as you would in a fighting game. If the thought of acquiring all these goodies isn't enough to motivate you, you're out of luck because the gameplay itself is wholly unrewarding. You're regularly given the chance to use points earned for completing missions to purchase movies, music, and character artwork as well. You also unlock new ninja jutsu attacks and tactics that you can activate to enhance attributes like attack power and speed. As you progress from mission to mission, you frequently unlock new characters you can use in both the Master Road and other modes. The Master Road is presented as a series of squares along which you move cute little animated Narut. Even special moves can be executed by hitting Triangle first, then Circle. Besides basic movement, jumps and wall runs, players can perform all their attacks simply by pressing the Circle button. In Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 Narut, players select one of their favorite characters out of the Naru Shippuden story arc and battle on a series of dual-stage arenas. Although the game takes place on a 2D plane, players can teleport between the foreground and background at their leisure.